Functional testing is a means by which you can get specific information about a certain health issue.

These include

Adrenal stress Index

Amino acid profile

Cardiovascular health

Chemical intolerance

Fatty acid screen

Food intolerance

Genetic testing 23andMe and DNAFit

Gut health, including: beneficial and harmful bacterial profile, parasitology, Candida albicans and other yeasts and gut permeability

Histamine intolerance

Homocysteine levels

Hormone profiles- male and female

Liver function

Mineral and vitamin status

Neurotransmitter levels

Osteoporosis risk

Thyroid function

Toxic metal load

The tests may require blood, saliva, urine or stool samples.

Depending on the issue, I may either supply you with the test kit, for you to provide a sample at home, or I will give you details of where you can purchase your test kit.

You may need to arrange for an NHS, or private clinic to take blood samples for testing, when required.

Costs vary and are charged separately.


Contact me for a chat,
with no obligation on 07460 930 838